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AeroPress Original Coffee Maker
Qty:1 €39,00
Filter paper plays an essential role in the brewing of a cup of coffee. This paper oxygen bleached (and therefore chemical-free), is compatible with the HARIO V60 02 size dripper (1-2 cups).
This biodegradable paper allows you to extract all the goodness and aroma from your coffee beans. Before brewing your coffee, make sure to rinse with boiling water to get rid of any unwanted flavours contained in the paper. Made in Japan.The Aeropress is a super versatile, compact, travel-able immersion brewer. From filter-like drinks with high brew ratios to espresso-like shots. You'll find thousands of recipes through the global Aeropress community.
This brewer is perfect for those who like a rich, smooth cup of coffee with low acidity. Makes one to three cups in 1-2 minutes. Cleaning is super easy. It is durable, lightweight and compact, the perfect travel companion.
Made in the USA. For an intense and clean coffee. Coffee – medium-fine: 15g Water – soft and hot (+- 93°): +-150ml Time: +- 1’00’’ -Rinse out the paper filter with hot water. -Set grounds into the chamber. -Pour 100g of hot water as quickly as possible. -Stir 10-20 times, and wait for 50 seconds. -Put the plinger in and press slowly, taking about 10-20 seconds. -Stop to press when hearing the hiss (don’t press all the way down) -Add 50ml of water and adgust until the desired taste. Enjoy